22-23 Mifflin Student Handbook
Lunch Program
All students at Thomas Mifflin School qualify for breakfast and lunch without cost. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 8:40 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. Students may enter through the Conrad Street door at 8:40 a.m.
The School District posts Breakfast and Lunch Menus on the District Website monthly. Please use this link . (Thomas Mifflin School is a Satellite Location)
Mifflin MUST Positive Behavior Initiative
Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be a Learner.
Dress “Up” Days
In order to pay for rewards activities, student pizza parties, raffle prizes, etc, we will be charging $1 to dress “up” on designated days. Each dress “up” day will be theme related (sports jersey day, color day, crazy hat day, etc) and scheduled for a specific date on the calendar (usually a half day PD). Parents will be called for inappropriate clothing.